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Wilson Ramos Jr. - Featured Artist

Wilson Ramos Jr.

Wilson Ramos Jr. has worked in the comic industry for over 25 years and is currently a freelance comic artist. Wilson has worked as a colorist, letterer, inker, penciler, and as an art director for both digital and print comics, posters, brochures, trading cards, magazines and scores of projects for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse, Random House, Red Anvil press, Darkstorm Comics, New Paradigm Studios, Apex Comics Group, Shatner Singularity, Action Lab Studios, Dynamite Entertainment, Papercutz Books, Atlantis Studios, Committed Comics and many Independent & Small Press Publishers.

Wilsons’ creator owned comic books Team Kaiju and Ninja Mouse are published by Section 8 Comics.

Wilson Ramos Jr. has completed the coloring on the penciled avatars for John Hebert, Rich Molinelli and Bobby Blakey.